Video della Dr Kavita Poply

Migraines: how can this common type of headache be managed? - Online interview


In this intriguing and informative online interview, esteemed pain medicine and neuromodulation specialist, Dr Kavita Poply, outlines the main migraine causes and triggers, and reveals what medications are available for patients suffering from migraines on a regular basis. 00:00 How common are migraines, and what are the most common triggers? 01:38 What medications might be helpful for patients with migraines? 04:12 If these medications don't work, what are the other treatment options? 05:46 How does neuromodulation therapy work for migraines? 08:50 How will I know if I am suitable or not for the various different treatment options for migraines? To book a consultation with Dr Poply, simply head on over to her Top Doctors profile here today: ✔ Follow us on Instagram: ✔ Follow us on Facebook: ✔ Follow us on Twitter:

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