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Tutti i commenti sono relativi a pazienti verificati da Top Doctors.

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J. Y. Paziente verificato

Hands down to Professor Marco Gerlinger. He is the best.

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S. K. Paziente verificato

Myself, my wife and my sister all have varying degrees of understanding and Professor Gerlinger put us at ease by answering all our questions. We discussed the new trial on the NHS for an anti-cancer vaccine to further reduce the chance of recurrence.

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C. B. Paziente verificato

I am so grateful for the opportunity to discuss my situation, and feel well-informed about possible available options. Professor Gerlinger put me at ease with clear and concise explanations. Quick appointment time, with medical report arriving two hours after consult. Thank you.

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G. S. Paziente verificato

I had a ctDNA test under Professor Gerlinger. This is a new test which is used to determine if chemotherapy would be beneficial to reduce risk of cancer recurrence following surgery. The test was negative and I was able to avoid chemotherapy which was a great result for me.

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L. M. Paziente verificato

I've reached out to Professor Gerlinger for a second opinion after a thorough search nationwide for the leading doctor for my case. Prof Gerlinger answered all of my questions and assured me that I'm under excellent care at my local hospital. I'm delighted with the consultation.

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A. A. Paziente verificato

I felt cared for, in expert hands. The Professor understood my concerns & addressed them in a reassuring manner. Prior to the consultation he had read my medical records so there was time for my questions & the way forward. The explanation of treatment was clear & understandable

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A. C. Paziente verificato

I would recommend Professor Gerlinger and his team, i continue to receive treatment in St Barts, London, the facilities are very clean and high quality, the oncology nurses all friendly and caring. Prof Gerlinger gives regular, clear and concise updates relating to my condition.

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G. M. Paziente verificato

Professor Marco Gerlinger has provided excellent treatment. his care has been delivered in a professional, honest and caring manner. Communication with me and with fellow medical professionals in the oncology team and surgeons has been excellent. Thank you

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A. S. Paziente verificato

Immensely well qualified and a leader in his field, I have found Professor Gerlinger to be highly professional, approachable and empathetic. I have benefitted enormously from the innovative treatment plan that he created and have felt involved and cared for at all times.

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S. R. Paziente verificato

Prof Gerlinger is really pleasant. He mixes his professionalism with an easy going manner that puts me at ease straight away. He knows his subject and always explains things very well. Top Doc

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