Video del Mr Navin Furtado

What you should know about arm pain - Online interview


There are many reasons why you might be experiencing arm pain, so determining the cause might be difficult. Neurological conditions can be overlooked or mistaken for musclele pain, for example. In our latest online interview, highly-revered consultant neurosurgeon and spinal surgeon Mr Navin Furtado shares his expertise on neurological conditions that can result in pain in the arms. The surgeon, who practises in Birmingham, Halesowen, and Worcester, focuses on how to tell nerve-related pain from other types, common conditions, and when to see a doctor for a proper diagnosis and potential treatment. 00:00 How does nerve-related arm pain differ from other types of pain in the area? 00:40 What are the most common neurological conditions that cause arm pain? 01:44 When should you see a specialist about arm pain? 02:25 How is the cause of arm pain detected? What tests are done? 03:22 Can the cause behind arm pain resolve itself? Or is treatment always required? If you would like to book an appointment with Mr Furtado , you can do so here: ✔ Follow us on Instagram: ✔ Follow us on Facebook: ✔ Follow us on Twitter:

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