Video del Mr Sebastian Smolarek

Everything you need to know about an anal fistula - Online interview


Symptoms of an anal fistula include skin irritation, pain with movement, smelly discharge and passing blood or bus. In this online interview, Mr Sebastian Smolarek, highly skilled consultant general and colorectal surgeon, provides an expert insight into anal fistulas, explaining what is an anal fistula, what are the different surgical procedures used to treat an anal fistula, and if an anal fistula can recur, among other important points. 00:00 When is surgery required to treat an anal fistula? 00:46 Are there different types of surgical procedures used to treat anal fistulas? 02:00 How safe are these procedures? 02:29 Is anal fistula surgery painful? What can patients expect from the recovery period? 03:48 Can anal fistulas recur? If you are interested in booking a consultation with Mr Smolarek, you can do so today by visiting his Top Doctors profile here: ✔ Follow us on Instagram: ✔ Follow us on Facebook: ✔ Follow us on Twitter:

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