Video del Dr Sherif El Wakil

Steve's O Concept Treatment Testimonail (Peyronie's Disease)


"I was diagnosed with scar tissue by my GP on the left side of my penis. I was referred to the urologist consultants unfortunately they didn’t give me much hope. They left me with 2 options which was to cut out the scar tissue from the left side and the healthy tissue on the right side which would have significantly shortened my manhood which wasn’t an option for me! I saw Dr. Wakil’s advert for the O Concept and after a few sessions I have noticed 33% improvement in my symptoms and I am really looking forward to the future. Cant thank you enough Dr. Wakil. You have changed my life and given me a lot hope.” #Erectiledysfunctiontreatment #Erectiledysfunctiontreatments #OConceptTM #EDtreatment #EDtreatments #Peryoniesdisease #PeyronieDiseasetreatment #DrSherifWakil Call us for a free consultation +44 (0)20 3006 8459 Email: [email protected] 77 Harley Street W1G 8QN London England

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