Video del Professor Sze May Ng OBE

Puberty in Children With Autism and/or ADHD


Join Dr. May Ng and me as chat about puberty in differently wired children. I can't wait to share this episode with you! Hugs, Holly - The Mom/Psychologist Who Gets It Learn more about Holly - Learn more about Dr. Ng - ⭐️GET YOUR FREE "BEHAVIOR DETECTIVE GUIDE" ➡Parents - Get your FREE Behavior Detective Guide - ➡Educators - Get your FREE Behavior Detective Guide - ➡Therapists - Get your FREE Behavior Detective Guide - ⭐️JOIN OUR FACEBOOK GROUP ❤️ Parents, you are invited to the Autism ADHD Facebook Group for Parents - ❤️Professionals, you are invited to joining the Autism ADHD Facebook for Therapists and Educators -

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