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Tutti i commenti sono relativi a pazienti verificati da Top Doctors.

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J. S. Paziente verificato

I found Dr. Sivasanker personable and approachable. I was apprehensive as I didn't know what to expect but the doctor understood my explanations of how I've been feeling and my rationale behind those feelings. Dr. Sivasanker was attentive. He made me feel validated and hopeful.

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S. B. Paziente verificato

I have no suggestions! Everything ran smoothly and efficiently, and I was treated with respect. Dr Sivasankar and I came to the same conclusion about what treatment would be best for me, which was reassuring.

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A. Paziente verificato

He was very thorough, appropriate. Able to explore holistically and approach based on the individual . It was a lovely experience with Dr Sivasanker

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D. W. Paziente verificato

This was my first vist with Dr Sivasanker, I found him to be wasy to talk freely too, he made me feel comfortable and explained everything clearly and didn't rush me. Its early days aa not started treatment yet but so far im happy with the service

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M. J. Paziente verificato

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  • Attesa presso lo Studio Medico
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K. Paziente verificato

Dr Sivasanker is probably the smartest and most caring doctor I have ever met. He has helped me so much since I've started seeing him and I cannot recommend him enough to others. His knowledge is exceptional and is able to explain everything coherently.

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