Centro specializzato in:
Cancro alla prostata Patologia mammaria Trattamento del cancro Cardiologia Chirurgia del colon-retto Dermatologia Chirurgia ortopedica Oftalmologia Chirurgia generale Spalla e gomitoPerché è un centro medico di prim'ordine
Bath Clinic, part of Circle Health Group and established in 1983, is the only dedicated private hospital in the city, renowned for providing excellent and fast access to diagnosis, and treatment for routine and complex conditions.
Set in the most beautiful surroundings, right on the cusp of the Bath Skyline national trust walk, the core of the hospital is set in an imposing Edwardian Property that was built in 1904 as a wedding gift.
The clinic is rated good by CQC and provides expert specialist care in orthopaedics, gynaecology, ophthalmology, cardiology and general surgery. The clinic’s imaging suite includes CT,MRI and a mammogram service and we have a private GP practice that patients can book directly into.
Furthermore, the clinic is home to three brand new laminar flow theatres and a JAG accredited endoscopy suite. It is also at the centre of pioneering technology with the Mako Robotic-Arm system which affords the patient choice with their hip and knee surgery
Il centro
Bath Clinic - part of Circle Health Group
Claverton Down Road, Combe Down, Bath BA2 7BR, Bath, Bath
Assicurazioni mediche compatibili con questo centro
"Insurance companies do not sponsor the appearance of specialists or clinics on Top Doctors. Any mention of an insurance company is solely to indicate that these clinics or specialists accept this type of medical insurance."
Immagine del centro
Quadro medico del centro
Dr Marc Atkin
Esperto in:
Diabete Andrologia Disturbi della ghiandola tiroidea Perdita di peso ghiandola paratiroidea Malattie dell'ipofisi e dell'ippotalamoMr Andrew Chambler
Esperto in:
Chirurgia della spalla Chirurgia della cuffia dei rotatori Sostituzione della spalla terapia biologica Spalla congelata Lesioni sono danniDr Sharath Gangadhara
Oncologo medico
Esperto in:
Cáncer del esófago Cancro al pancreas cancro colorettale Tumori neuroendocrini Immunoterapia Cancro dello stomacoMr Matthew Burwell
Esperto in:
Dolore all'anca Artrosi dell'anca Artrite infiammatoria Infiltrazioni articolari Ricambio dell'anca Dolore alle articolazioni