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Oncologia medica Chirurgia ortopedica Urologia Dermatologia Diagnostica per immagini Cardiologia Gastroenterologia Ginecologia e Ostetricia Neurologia OftalmologiaArticoli
If it hurts or burns when you urinate, and you find that you need to urinate more frequently, you might think you have a urinary tract infection (UTI), but it is possible that you might have interstitial cystitis (IC) instead. Here to explain this condition in this article is a leading obstetrician and gynaecologist.
A menstrual disorder refers to irregular symptoms or occurrences during the menstrual cycle, which lasts between 22-45 days. Around a quarter of menstruating women experience irregularities or disorders during their cycle, but might not know anything is wrong. Ms Sameena Muzaffar, a respected consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist, breaks down the kinds of menstrual disorders and what they mean.
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