Centro specializzato in:
Chirurgia ortopedica Ginocchio Anca Cataratta OftalmologiaPerché è un centro medico di prim'ordine
The Chaucer Hospital, part of Circle Health Group, is a notable provider of private healthcare in Canterbury. Conveniently located with free parking, the hospital is easily accessible and prides itself on the quick and effortless access to healthcare it provides its patients in Canterbury, Faversham, and Dover. With experts in many different fields, services are offered in orthopaedics, gynaecology, urology, gastroenterology, ophthalmology, cosmetic surgery, and many more. The highly-skilled medical team ensures you receive the highest level of care with individually tailored treatment plans.
Il centro
The Chaucer Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
Nackington Rd, Canterbury CT4 7AR,, Canterbury, Canterbury
"Insurance companies do not sponsor the appearance of specialists or clinics on Top Doctors. Any mention of an insurance company is solely to indicate that these clinics or specialists accept this type of medical insurance."
Immagine del centro
Quadro medico del centro
Professor Bal Dhinsa
Esperto in:
Lesioni sono danni Lesioni tendinee artrite Cipolla (Alluce valgo) Chirurgia mininvasiva delll'alluce valgo Neuroma di MortonDr Carlo Nunes
Esperto in:
Rilevazione del cancro del colon-retto Digestione difficile (Dispepsia) Inflammatory bowel disease Capsula endoscopica Gastroscopia ColonoscopiaMr Christopher James
Esperto in:
Tunnel carpale Artrosi della mano Dupuytren Dita a scatto Epicondilite (gomito del tennista) Ganglio o cistiDr Bernhard Klebe
Esperto in:
Ipertensione arteriosa Malattia renale cronica Ematuria Calcoli renali Proteinuria Lesione renaleRICHIEDI APPUNTAMENTO ADESSO: Il servizio di gestione degli appuntamenti è gratuito
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