Centro specializzato in:
Assistenza primaria per bambini Autismo Sviluppo del bambino Psicologia infantile Servizio di Pronto Soccorso 24h Servizi per adulti e pediatriciPerché è un centro medico di prim'ordine
The Sevenoaks Hospital is a highly esteemed Kent-based 19-bed in-patient unit that prides itself on providing both a rehabilitation and intermediate care service for its patients. The clinic comprises of vaccination centres, dental services, as well as child therapy services such as speech and language therapists.
Notably, the hospital also boasts a service called One You Kent, designed for patients who are seeking to make healthy adjustments to their life, such as losing weight and improving their diet and exercise regimes.
Il centro
Sevenoaks Hospital
Hospital Rd, Sevenoaks TN13 3PG, Sevenoaks, Kent
"Insurance companies do not sponsor the appearance of specialists or clinics on Top Doctors. Any mention of an insurance company is solely to indicate that these clinics or specialists accept this type of medical insurance."
Quadro medico del centro
Mr Ahmed Hamouda
chirurgo generale
Esperto in:
Chirurgia bariatrica Chirurgia della cistifellea Riflusso gastrico Ernia Trattamenti di endoscopia digestiva Perdita di pesoDr Sandesha Kothari
unità del dolore
Esperto in:
Dolore neuropatico Lombalgia Sciatica Dolore muscoloscheletrico Dolore alla colonna vertebrale cervicale Dolore alla spalla