Smart TMS

Smart TMS is the UK's largest provider of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) treatment for a wide range of conditions including depression, OCD, addiction, anxiety, PTSD, and insomnia. With eight clinic locations across the UK and in Dublin, Ireland, patients having a treatment at Smart TMS can be assured that they will receive the best possible care.

Trova il centro Smart TMS più adatto alle tue esigenze

8 Clinic locations across the UK
7 Expert clinicians
11 Experienced practitioners
70 % of depression patients see a reduction of symptoms
30 % of OCD patients go into remission

Perché Smart TMS è un gruppo di centri medici di primo livello

Smart TMS has a dedicated expert team of clinicians, practitioners, and patient support team, and the medical group is one of the leading innovators in TMS treatment in the UK. Founded in 2015, Smart TMS was the first clinic in Ireland to use Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation to treat OCD, addictions, depression in teenagers. and the first to offer TMS treatment in Ireland. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is a revolutionary non-invasive treatment, approved by NICE in 2015, that uses magnetic pulses to stimulate the brain in the areas that control mood and emotions.

Esiste una rete di centri ospedalieri Smart TMS distribuiti in tutto il Regno Unito? Scegli la città più adatta alla tua ricerca.

La nostra rete di centri


5 5 1 5
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This lady has been instrumental in transforming my mental health struggles. She always goes above and beyond with her care and listens toy opinions and feelings without judgement. I am not where I want to be quite yet but we have a plan and working towards this.
M. D Manchester 11/05/24
5 5 1 5
Valutazione verificata
This lady has been instrumental in transforming my mental health struggles. She always goes above and beyond with her care and listens toy opinions and feelings without judgement. I am not where I want to be quite yet but we have a plan and working towards this.
M. D Southampton 11/05/24
5 5 1 5
Valutazione verificata
This lady has been instrumental in transforming my mental health struggles. She always goes above and beyond with her care and listens toy opinions and feelings without judgement. I am not where I want to be quite yet but we have a plan and working towards this.
M. D Birmingham 11/05/24
5 5 1 5
Valutazione verificata
This lady has been instrumental in transforming my mental health struggles. She always goes above and beyond with her care and listens toy opinions and feelings without judgement. I am not where I want to be quite yet but we have a plan and working towards this.
M. D Edinburgh 11/05/24
5 5 1 5
Valutazione verificata
This lady has been instrumental in transforming my mental health struggles. She always goes above and beyond with her care and listens toy opinions and feelings without judgement. I am not where I want to be quite yet but we have a plan and working towards this.
M. D Bristol 11/05/24
5 5 1 5
Valutazione verificata
This lady has been instrumental in transforming my mental health struggles. She always goes above and beyond with her care and listens toy opinions and feelings without judgement. I am not where I want to be quite yet but we have a plan and working towards this.
M. D Central London 11/05/24
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