All about breast reduction and uplift procedures

Autore: Miss Judith Hunter
Pubblicato: | Aggiornato: 30/12/2019
Editor: Emma McLeod

Of all reasons to have breast surgery, the media arguably most commonly associates it with the desire to increase breast size. However, breast reductions and uplifts are also common procedures and provide natural and desired results to many women around the country. The two procedures do share similarities, but also have their differences and Miss Judith Hunter explains all about how they are performed, post-operative care, scarring and when your level of activity can return to normal.

A clothed women looking in the mirror. She is looking at her appearance and breasts with a pensive look on her face.


What is the aim of breast surgery

Breast reductions and breast uplifts (also known as a mastopexy) are different types of the same procedure. The aim of both is to transform a patient’s droopy breast with a low nipple into an uplifted and perkier breast with a higher nipple.


How is a breast reduction performed?

A breast reduction involves lifting the nipple. The nipple is kept alive by leaving it attached to a column of tissue inside the breast and then wedges of breast skin and tissue are taken out to reduce the volume and reshape the breast.


How is a breast uplift (mastopexy) performed?

A breast uplift (mastopexy) involves lifting the nipple in a similar way but it may only involve reshaping the breast and tightening the skin without reducing volume.

A breast uplift can also be combined with an implant to enlarge and reshape the breast, this is called an augment mastopexy.


Will there be scarring?

All these procedures involve a scar around the nipple. Other scars, vertically from the nipple downwards and horizontally in the breast fold can be added and depend on:

  • The shape and size of the breasts to start with
  • What the patient hopes to achieve
  • These often result in an ‘anchor’ or ‘inverted T’ shaped scar


How long do these procedures take?

Both breast reductions and breast uplifts take around two to three hours. They are performed under general anaesthetic (which means that you are fully asleep).

How do I prepare for a breast reduction? A patient must not eat or drink anything other than water in the six to four hours prior to the procedure. Two hours before the procedure, they must also stop consuming water. A pre-operative assessment will be conducted and occasionally blood tests are taken.


What is the post-operative care?

A breast uplift may be performed as a day case whereas usually, a breast reduction requires an overnight stay. After these procedures, liquid can build up during the healing process. To ease the discomfort from this build-up and aid healing, drains may be left in place and usually kept in overnight.


These drains are often removed the following morning and the patient can then leave the hospital and return home. You will be provided with a supportive bra which is fitted at the end of the operation. It is then necessary to continue wearing the support bra during the day and night for six weeks.


How long until my activity can return to normal?

After both procedures, the ability to walk is not affected and the patient can walk as normal. Despite this, they are expected to take one to two weeks off work due to the upper body needing time to recover. Furthermore, it’s necessary to avoid heavy lifting or upper body work at the gym for a month. It’s also important to not drive during this month either.


Should you choose to visit Miss Hunter’s practice for a breast reduction or an uplift, you will be seen by Miss Hunter one to two weeks after your surgery. At this appointment, the wounds will be checked to ensure that they are healing as well as they should be. Miss Hunter will then see you around six weeks after the surgery.


Miss Hunter, a consultant plastic, reconstructive, and aesthetic surgeon, has trained for over 10 years in plastic and reconstructive surgery and has vast experience in performing breast reductions and breast uplifts. If you are looking to alter your breasts, don’t hesitate to book a consultation via her profile to hear about how she can help you.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

Miss Judith Hunter
Chirurgia plastica, estetica e riparatrice

Miss Judith Hunter è una consulente senior in chirurgia plastica ricostruttiva ed estetica con sede presso l'Imperial College Healthcare NHS e l'Imperial Private Healthcare London con un interesse particolare per tutte le forme di chirurgia mammaria, tra cui la ricostruzione del seno con lembo DIEP e la ricostruzione del seno con lembo TUG. Il lavoro di Miss Hunter nella ricostruzione del seno è servito a perfezionare le sue procedure di chirurgia estetica offerte ai suoi pazienti privati: esegue regolarmente riduzioni del seno , avendo eseguito circa 1000 riduzioni del seno negli ultimi anni; insieme al sollevamento del seno (mastopessi); aumento del seno (ingrossamento del seno - utilizzo di protesi o trasferimento di grasso al seno); aumentare la mastopessi (ingrossamento e sollevamento del seno) e la rimozione di impianti e capsulectomie e lo scambio. Miss Hunter ha anche una vasta esperienza nella modellatura del corpo, eseguendo regolarmente l'addominoplastica (addominoplastica); brachioplastica (braccio di sollevamento): e procedure interne di sollevamento della coscia, combinate con procedure di liposuzione e anche di labioplastica.

Miss Hunter ha intrapreso tre borse di microchirurgia, presso gli ospedali Royal Marsden e St Thomas a Londra e un anno in Australia.

Miss Hunter si era originariamente laureata presso l'Università di Cambridge con una laurea con lode in First Class e si è formata per oltre 10 anni in chirurgia plastica e ricostruttiva a Cambridge e Londra. Ha conseguito il suo FRCS (Plast) nel 2011 e ha ottenuto la sua registrazione specialistica in chirurgia plastica nel 2013. Nel 2015 è entrata a far parte del team di consulenti di chirurgia plastica presso l'Imperial Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, principalmente per eseguire la ricostruzione immediata del lembo microchirurgico per i pazienti con carcinoma mammario, lei la posta è stata resa sostanziale a maggio 2016.

Miss Hunter ha eseguito oltre 300 lembi liberi DIEP negli ultimi anni, aiutando il Dipartimento di Chirurgia Plastica dell'Imperial College Healthcare NHS a diventare il secondo più grande fornitore di lembi liberi per la ricostruzione del seno nel Regno Unito; ha allestito una clinica per la ricostruzione del seno presso il Northwick Park Hospital di Harrow, collaborando con altri chirurghi del seno; è anche addestrata nel tatuaggio medico e nella microchirurgia per il linfedema.

Miss Hunter insegna presso il Royal College of Surgeons corsi sulla ricostruzione del seno oncoplastica ed è un membro di facoltà del Master in Chirurgia del seno oncoplastica oltre a insegnare presso i corsi della British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgeon; ha oltre 25 articoli scientifici su riviste peer-reviewed e ha presentato ampiamente in incontri nazionali e internazionali.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

Vedi il profilo

Valutazione generale del paziente

  • Altri trattamenti d'interesse
  • Medicina estetica corpo
    Trattamento delle occhiaie
    Aumento labbra
    Idrolipoclasia con cavitazione
    Eliminazione dei tatuaggi con laser
    Laser correttore di cicatrici
    Lifting laser
    Trapianto di capelli
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