All about getting a 400cc breast implant

Autore: Mr Haitham Khashaba
Pubblicato: | Aggiornato: 31/12/2024
Editor: Karolyn Judge

Are you considering getting breast implants? A contributing factor to your choice could be size. One of the most popular sizes is 400cc, but - is it for you?


Here to address some of the most commonly-asked questions about the 400cc breast implant, including just how big is they are, the risks involved in specifically getting this size and how much it costs, is leading consultant plastic surgeon Mr Haitham Kashaba

400cc breast implants are a popular choice in the breast augmentation process

How big are 400cc breast implants?

This is a very good and a common question in practice. A rather straightforward answer is 400cc breast implants are considered large and can provide a significant increase in breast size but come with higher risks. However, a more detailed answer would be more complicated.


Different shapes and sizes

Breast implants come in different shapes and sizes. Different manufacturers have different measurements and thus, a 400c implant of certain manufacturer of a certain shape may be completely different than an implant with the same volume but from a different manufacturer.


For example, a 400cc rounded implant of certain manufacturer in the UK will be different than the same volume but a tear-drop shaped (anatomical) implant. Also, a 400cc rounded implant of the same manufacturer may have different dimensions, for example, a 400cc high profile (higher projection) will be of a different size than the same volume of implant but with a lower projection.


Breast implants can be rounded or anatomical (tear-drop shaped). They have two main dimensions i.e., the base and the projection (the height of the implant). Two implants may have roughly the same volume, but differ in shape (rounded or anatomical), and dimensions (base and height).


Therefore, when asking for breast implants, it is important not to fixate on the volume per say, but the dimensions of the implant, the shape, texture, position, and chest dimensions are more important values to consider before choosing a certain volume.


Discuss with your therapist in-depth

Although, at a glance, choosing a breast implant may seem an easy choice, however this could never be further than the truth. This is why it’s extremely important to have a thorough discussion with a qualified plastic surgeon about your needs and desires and work together towards the most suitable implant for you, rather than a certain volume.



Am I a good candidate for 400cc breast implants?

Whether or not you are a good candidate for 400cc breast implants depends on several factors, including your body type, desired size, and overall health, chest wall dimensions, the shape of the implant and the manufacturer.


It’s important to discuss your options with a qualified, experienced, and certified plastic surgeon to determine if 400cc implants are right for you.



What are the risks associated with large breast implants?

All surgeries carry some risk, and breast augmentation is no exception. The risks associated with large breast implants may include:


  • infection;
  • bleeding;
  • scarring;
  • capsular contracture;
  • implant rupture, and;
  • nipple numbness or loss of sensation;
  • anaplastic large cell lymphoma;
  • breast implant illness and more.


This is not an exhaustive list; therefore, it’s vital to discuss these risks with your surgeon before deciding to get 400cc breast implants. However, the larger the implant, the heavier it is, and it becomes more prone to risks and complications, for example to drop and sag with time compared to smaller implants.



What is the recovery time like for breast implants?

The recovery time for breast implants is typically one to two weeks. You may experience some pain, swelling, and bruising during this time, which can be typically managed with on the counter pain medications. You will also need to wear a surgical bra for several weeks to help support your breasts as they heal. There are multiple other precautions and instructions following breast implant surgery. For more specific instruction, please consult a qualified surgeon regarding specific post-operative instructions.



How much does it cost to get breast implants?

The cost of breast implants will vary depending on the surgeon, the hospital, your geographic location, and the complexity of the procedure. Please enquire with your healthcare provider (e.g., clinic, hospital, or surgeon) about the price you pay for the procedure.


More importantly, you need to enquire about what does the price entail i.e., package deals, surgeons’ fees, hospital fees, post-operative care and visits, revisional surgery, etc.). Beware of any hidden costs so please make sure you get a full written quotation of the procedure you are paying for and enquire carefully about any other costs that you may incur in the future, refund policies and finance options.


It's important to make sure you can pay the full price of the procedure, and your provider is not pressuring you in any way or form to have the procedure. You should only go ahead with the procedure when you are completely comfortable with your decision from a healthcare and financial perspective.



Will insurance cover the cost of breast implants?

Insurance coverage for breast augmentation is typically limited to cases where the procedure is considered medically necessary, such as after breast reconstruction following a mastectomy. In most cases, you will need to self-pay for breast implants.



What are the alternatives to breast implants?

Yes, there are several alternatives to breast implants, including:


  • Fat grafting
  • Breast lift


Your surgeon can help you discuss the pros and cons of each option to determine the best choice for you.




If you’d like to find out more about getting 400cc breast implants, arrange a consultation with Mr Kashaba via his Top Doctors profile.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

Mr Haitham Khashaba
Chirurgia plastica, estetica e riparatrice

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

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