Breast lumps: are they always a cause for concern?

Autore: Mr Haresh Devalia
Pubblicato: | Aggiornato: 27/07/2023
Editor: Robert Smith

According to Cancer Research UK, there are around 55,000 new breast cancer cases in the UK every year, approximately 150 every day.

We recently spoke with a leading consultant breast and oncoplastic surgeon, Mr Haresh Devalia, to find out whether breast lumps are always a cause for concern and how they can be detected.

breast cancer


What are the causes of breast lumps?

Common causes are benign, a common breast lump is a fibroadenoma. In menopausal women, it is the commonest breast cyst. It’s a tumour formed of mixed glandular and fibrous tissue, typically occurring as a benign growth in the breast.

Breast lumps are not always serious but one has to be suspicious of breast cancer in everyone, it needs to be ruled out in each case. When a breast examination is carried out we check for fibroadenoma, breast cysts, and breast cancer.


How can breast lumps be detected?

Breast lumps can be detected by clinical examination and by regularly examining the breasts at home. It is important to check all areas of the breast including the nipple area, up to the armpit and to the collar bone.


In what part of the breast are lumps usually found?

Breast lumps can be found in any part of the breast. However, it’s extremely common to find them in the upper outer quadrant of the breast and the second common side is behind the nipple.


Do breast lumps always require removal?

Most benign lumps can be left alone as long as they are proved benign on biopsy. Any benign lump which increases in size, is indeterminate on biopsy or shows atypical cells on histology would require surgery. Some symptomatic benign lumps would require surgery, most breast cancer patients will need surgery as a treatment plan.


Are breast lumps always painful?

Most breast cancer lumps are painless, and most painful lumps are likely to be benign cysts. However, all lumps require triple assessment in a one-stop breast clinic (clinical examination, imaging i.e. mammogram or ultrasound, plus or minus biopsy).


When should I be concerned about a breast lump?

Most lumps are benign, however, the lumps in post-menopausal women should always be thoroughly investigated as more than 60% of them are because of cancer. Any lump associated with nipple retraction and/or skin retraction is suspicious until proven otherwise. Breast lumps around the armpit definitely require further investigation and any lump which keeps on increasing in size, will also require thorough triple assessment.

If you feel you may have a breast lump, we strongly recommend booking a consultation with Mr Haresh Devalia via his Top Doctor’s profile.

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Mr Haresh Devalia
Chirurgia generale

Haresh Devalia è uno dei maggiori chirurghi al seno in plastica, oncoplastica , ricostruttiva ed estetica del seno che pratica a Londra, Maidstone e Tunbridge Wells. È orgoglioso di eseguire, oltre a insegnare, un addestramento chirurgico superiore per salvare il seno al fine di evitare la mastectomia, nonché nella ricostruzione. È specializzato in aumento del seno , riduzione del seno e sollevamento del seno tra i vari altri aspetti della chirurgia mammaria.

Devalia è uno dei primi dieci chirurghi al seno certificati in chirurgia estetica del seno dal Royal College of Surgeons of England. È presidente del carcinoma mammario Kent (TSSG), responsabile della fornitura delle linee guida e del mantenimento degli elevati standard di cura in tutta la contea.

Insieme al suo partner in pratica, Mohsin Dani, ha vinto il premio " Best Oncoplastic and Aesthetic Breastons Surgeons in England " per un lavoro esemplare, inclusa la tecnica avanzata di chirurgia conservativa del seno che utilizza un lembo di perforatore locale.

Devalia si è laureato presso l'Università di Bombay nel 1995, prima di completare la sua formazione chirurgica superiore nel decano di Oxford e Londra, nonché presso il Royal Marsden Hospital e il St George's Hospital di Londra. Devalia è stato certificato come " miglior studente a livello nazionale " in chirurgia generale e gli è stata assegnata una medaglia d'oro . Serve anche come supervisore educativo per i tirocinanti chirurgici superiori, formando procedure sia estetiche che costruttive. Il suo lavoro sulla gestione clinica del carcinoma mammario è stato ampiamente pubblicato su riviste.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

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