Are white fillings better than silver?

Autore: Dr Jay Padayachy
Editor: Laura Burgess

Dentists have been replacing decayed teeth with silver-coloured fillings, which are made of amalgam, for decades. But nowadays, if you’ve been told that you need a filling, you can ask your dentist if it’s possible to have a white filling to leave your tooth with a more natural look. One of our top dentists Dr Jay Padayachy explains whether white fillings are better than silver and whether they stain easy.

When are fillings necessary?

Fillings are placed when there are cavities or holes in teeth caused by tooth decay. Tooth decay is a preventable disease if there is minimal sugar in the diet and teeth are cleaned correctly. Once a cavity forms then there is no choice but to do a filling as teeth cannot repair themselves in these situations.

What are white fillings and why do people like them?

White fillings are usually made from a composite material which sets hard when an intense light is shone on it to start the setting reaction. People like them as they are tooth coloured and barely visible compared to a traditional silver-grey amalgam filling.

Are white fillings better than amalgam?

Modern white fillings are much stronger than those from several years ago. They are also bonded to the tooth to effectively seal the margin. Amalgam fillings just plug the hole and do not seal the margins or reinforce teeth. They are, however, very strong and a well-placed amalgam filling can last for several years.

More modern white fillings are also now very strong and can also last several years when placed correctly and when used in the correct situation. However, the technique to place them is crucial as the tooth must be kept free from contamination once the sealing and filling procedure starts. Saliva can cause the materials not to stick to the tooth structure so the seal is then compromised and the filling will fail in a short space of time.

Amalgam filling placement is more forgiving though the aim is still to avoid contamination to that this filling will last as long as possible.

What happens during the procedure and how long does it take?

Having made the tooth numb with a local anaesthetic, the cavity is cleaned, and all decay removed. The cleaned cavity is now sealed with an appropriate bonding agent, which not only seals the exposed tooth structure but also allows the white composite filling material to bond to it.

The filling material is then placed in a number of layers and each layer set with the high-intensity light. Once completed, the bite is checked for any high spots and polished, so it feels as smooth as a natural tooth. The duration of the procedure can be anything from 20 to 40 minutes depending on the size of the cavity involved.

Do white fillings stain easily and/or can they turn black?

A well-sealed cavity and highly polished white filling will not stain easily even with the consumption of black tea and coffee or red wine. They equally will not turn black unless new decay gets under them. Therefore, it is important to see your dentist and hygienist regularly so they can check the margins of the fillings to make sure they are still intact.

Do they cost more than amalgam fillings?

Yes, white fillings do cost more than amalgam fillings. They take longer to place, are more labour intensive to do and technique is crucial as the tooth needs to dry and free of saliva otherwise the filling will fail in a short period of time.


Do not hesitate to book an appointment with Dr Padayachy if you would like to discuss your dental filling options.

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Dr Jay Padayachy

Dr Jay Padayachy
Odontoiatria e stomatologia

Il dott. Jay Padayachy è un dentista di grande esperienza, che lavora nel pluripremiato Senova Dental Studios dal 1998. Si occupa di odontoiatria restaurativa e cosmetica completa .

Si è laureato all'università di Newcastle Upon Tyne nel 1989 e ha lavorato a High Wycombe per 10 anni, prima di entrare a far parte dei Senova Dental Studios. È stato eletto membro dell'International College of Dentists nel giugno 2013 (uno dei soli 85 nel Regno Unito) in riconoscimento dei suoi eccellenti servizi resi nell'arte e nella scienza dell'odontoiatria. È stato anche premiato con una medaglia d'oro in uno dei concorsi dentistici più prestigiosi al mondo alla 12a conferenza annuale dell'American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry . Il suo premio è stato vinto per il suo lavoro di restauro indiretto, compreso il suo lavoro su corone, faccette e intarsi.

È stato presidente della London Dental Fellowship e   è passato a un membro della British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry e ha fatto parte del comitato di credenziali.

Il dott. Padayachy ha tenuto numerose conferenze su tutti gli aspetti dell'odontoiatria estetica, della fotografia dentistica e dell'assistenza completa e ha subito molte ricerche dentistiche. Alcune delle sue pubblicazioni possono essere trovate su ResearchGate. Si diverte a vedere i cambiamenti che ha apportato alla vita dei suoi pazienti, dando loro più fiducia e un sorriso che possono godere.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

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