Asherman’s syndrome: essential facts

Autore: Mr Mahantesh Karoshi
Pubblicato: | Aggiornato: 13/05/2021
Editor: Emma McLeod

Asherman's syndrome is a condition where adhesions (scar tissue) form inside the uterus.

A diagram of the female reproductive system

The cause of Asherman’s syndrome

Asherman’s syndrome is usually the result of some form of trauma to the lining of the womb, such as:


Asherman’s syndrome and pregnancy

Women can still get pregnant even if they have Asherman’s syndrome. We have supportive measures to help them.


When to treat Asherman’s syndrome

Women with suspected or confirmed Asherman's syndrome who want to conceive but are having trouble falling pregnant may benefit from treatment.


If Asherman’s syndrome is causing subfertility (a delay in conceiving), then surgery is recommended.


What is the success rate?

Hysteroscopic treatment of severe Asherman's syndrome is generally effective for the restoration of a functional uterine cavity.


The overall pregnancy rate after treatment is 42 per cent and is around 62 per cent in women under 35 years old. The live birth rate after successful surgery is around 32 per cent.


It's important to be aware that pregnancies after such surgeries are at high risk for bleeding with abnormal placentation


Mr Mahanesh Karoshi is a leading London women’s health expert and consultant gynaecologist. Visit his profile to learn how he can help look after your gynaecological health.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

Mr Mahantesh Karoshi
Ginecologia e Ostetricia

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

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