Botox vs fillers: which is best for the results I want?

Autore: Mr Giovanni Ferrando
Editor: Emma McLeod

Botox and fillers are two very popular procedures for achieving a more youthful face but sometimes, the differences between the two aren’t so clear.

Mr Giovanni Ferrando, a consultant plastic and reconstructive surgeon in London, clarifies when Botox and fillers are used, how effective they are, possible side effects and he also provides an insight into how they compare regarding price.

A close up of a woman's face in which she is having an injection in her lip

What are both Botox and dermal fillers used for?

Botox and dermal fillers are both used for the reduction of wrinkles, but the reasons for choosing them are completely different.


When to use Botox

Botox is the brand name of a toxin but there are similar products (e.g. Dysport, Azzalure, Xeomin, Bocoture and more) on the market. The correct area to treat with Botox is the upper portion of the face (on the horizontal forehead lines), the wrinkles around the eyes and frown lines between the eyebrows: the so-called “11s”.


When to use fillers

Fillers are used for the purpose of filling wrinkles and replacing the lost volume on the face, especially on the cheeks, the jawline and the temporal area. Soft fillers can be used superficially, either for the improvement of fine lines or creating a net under the skin for a better texture.


Is Botox effective?

Botox is very effective. It was used for the first time in the 1980s by a Canadian ophthalmologist and dermatologist, Alastair Carruthers, who accidentally discovered the toxin’s anti-ageing properties. Botox works because it temporarily blocks the signal from the nerve to muscles. This results in a small and reversible paralysis of those muscles and, consequently, a relaxation of the muscles, softening of the wrinkles and a more youthful appearance.


How effective are dermal fillers?

Dermal fillers are effective too but the areas we treat are different, as well as the scope. Wrinkles on the lower face are generally caused by gravity and sun damage so, in these areas, we use filler and not Botox. Since the wrinkles of the upper third of the face are due to excessive muscular action, Botox remains the best treatment for these particular areas.


What are the side effects of both?

Both Botox and fillers can have side effects if used incorrectly. We must be careful to make sure that sterilisation is effectively carried out to avoid infections. This can occur with any injectable such as fillers, vitamins, PRP etc. If fillers are not correctly injected, asymmetries or bumps can occur. As for Botox, in addition to asymmetries or bumps, we may have a temporary descent of the eyebrow or an asymmetry of the eyebrow or a temporary descent of the eyelid.


Practitioners who take only courses for a couple of days and who have no real knowledge of facial anatomy and cannot deal with any complications are not the right professionals to choose for this kind of medical procedures.


Which is more likely to produce long-term results?

Both filler and Botox can give excellent results if used correctly with the right timing and right frequency. They are a great solution for keeping patients looking young. By using them, we can postpone more aggressive interventions (e.g. plastic surgery) for a while.


How do Botox and fillers compare regarding price?

The price of Botox and normal fillers is generally the same. For different fillers, such as Radiesse, which need different injection techniques (often with microcannulas), the price is higher.


Are you considering Botox, filler, or other means of enhancing your appearance? Learn how Mr Ferrando’s industry-leading expertise can help you reach your goal – visit his profile.

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Mr Giovanni Ferrando
Chirurgia plastica, estetica e riparatrice

Giovanni Ferrando è un chirurgo plastico e ricostruttivo di grande esperienza con ambulatori privati ​​a Londra e in Italia. È noto per il suo lavoro innovativo e pionieristico nel progettare e sviluppare nuove tecniche da utilizzare nella chirurgia estetica ed estetica, e ha una grande attenzione ai dettagli, cercando sempre di ottenere risultati dall'aspetto naturale. È specializzato in tutti i tipi di chirurgia estetica, con particolare interesse per la rinoplastica, la blefaroplastica, il ringiovanimento del viso e l'aumento del seno.

Quando esegue un intervento chirurgico su un paziente, il signor Ferrando preferisce prendersi del tempo per studiare le proporzioni del viso del paziente e anche conoscere bene il paziente per prendere una decisione su quale sia il miglior naso per il paziente. Disegna personalmente un ritratto del paziente per vedere i risultati desiderati e usa la stessa mano per realizzare il disegno che eseguirà l'intervento. Questa parte del processo è importante per il signor Ferrando nell'assicurare i migliori risultati.

Accanto alla sua pratica clinica, Ferrando dedica del tempo a tenere discorsi sulla sua professione, ed è regolarmente collaboratore del Giornale di chirurgia plastica estetica, e attualmente sta scrivendo un libro sulla rinoplastica.

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