Breast uplift surgery: FAQ
Autore:A breast uplift, or mastopexy, is a surgical procedure that many women choose to undergo to reshape and lift sagging breasts, restoring their firmness and youthful appearance. Leading consultant plastic surgeon Miss Philippa Jackson answers your frequently asked questions about the procedure, including the risks involved and the recovery process.
How does a breast uplift procedure enhance breast appearance?
A breast uplift is designed to improve the appearance of the breasts. It enhances the appearance of the breasts by moving the nipple to a more youthful position, removing excess stretched skin, and moving breast tissue to restore the shape.
What are the main benefits of undergoing a breast uplift?
After undergoing a breast uplift, individuals describe feeling more confident in their appearance. A breast uplift can also reverse some of the changes of ageing and pregnancy/breastfeeding. The procedure does not produce an increase in volume although it can sometimes look that way – it is entirely natural and comes from rearranging the breast tissue and tightening the overlying skin.
Is a breast uplift suitable for everyone, or are there specific criteria to consider?
A breast uplift is suitable for women whose breasts have descended either with time or as a result of hormonal changes (e.g. pregnancy, breastfeeding, menopause).
It is an unsuitable procedure for women who may wish to breastfeed later, or have not completed their family as these events impact breast shape/size/position. It would also be advisable to wait to have this surgery if you are planning on losing weight.
Women who are considering undergoing a breast uplift must take into account that there is a possibility of them losing breast skin and nipple-areola sensation. Furthermore, the surgery will result in scars.
What is the typical recovery process like after a breast uplift surgery?
The pain resulting from a breast uplift will typically last 2-7 days, and wounds produced from the surgery usually heal 1-2 weeks following the procedure. Patients should ensure they wear dressings during this period, in order to help the healing process. Additionally, they must wear a post-operative supportive bra for 6-12 weeks after surgery.
Patients must refrain from exercise for 6 weeks, however, they can usually resume their usual activities after these 6 weeks. The time period required off work varies, but patients can usually return to work 2-6 weeks after the operation, depending on the type of work they undertake.
Are there any potential risks or complications associated with a breast uplift that patients should be aware of?
As is the case with any surgery, a breast uplift carries risks. Blood supply is integral to the surgery and compromise of blood supply can lead to necrosis (death of body tissue). This can present as a fatty lump in the breast, slow healing, or in severe cases, loss of the nipple areola complex.
Before undergoing breast uplift surgery, the patient should optimise their health, by cutting out all smoking and nicotine products including vapes at least 6 weeks before surgery. Additionally, they should reduce alcohol intake, and manage their weight. It is also important to note that breast tissue will always drop back down to some extent, therefore patients should be aware of this and be prepared.
If you are thinking about having a breast up lift and would like to book a consultation with Miss Jackson, simply visit her Top Doctors profile today.