Can ADHD be managed without medication?

Autore: Dr Saadia Arshad
Editor: Conor Lynch

Top Doctors recently had the pleasure of speaking with highly regarded and experienced London-based consultant psychiatrist, Dr Saadia Arshad, who, here in our latest article, tells us when an ADHD diagnosis should be considered, and reveals what conditions might be confused with the attention-affecting disorder.

What is ADHD?

ADHD (attention deficit hyperactive disorder) is a common neurodevelopmental condition. It is widely understood that it appears in early childhood and continues into adulthood. In some cases, ADHD is not recognised or diagnosed until the person is an adult.


When should an ADHD diagnosis be considered?

An ADHD assessment and diagnosis should be considered when there are complaints of restlessness, inattention, carelessness, forgetfulness, trouble concentrating on tasks, or when children or adults fail to think about consequences of their actions. In adults, it is rare to see physical hyperactivity, but a short attention span is quite common.


What conditions can be confused with ADHD?

Some common behavioural problems can be confused with ADHD. For example, an imbalance in body sugar levels may present itself in a poor ability to focus. Some sensory processing conditions, hearing problems, and other neurodevelopmental conditions such as autism may also be confused with ADHD. Finally, some serious mental health problems such as bipolar affective disorder may also present with hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention.


What is the best medication to treat ADHD?

The medicines used to treat ADHD belong to a large class called stimulants. These are specialist medications that require close monitoring, and are prescribed by psychiatrists or paediatricians.


Can ADHD be managed without medication?

Yes, it can be, although scientific research shows that best results are achieved with a combination of medications and non-medicinal interventions. Some commonly used non-medicinal interventions include memory training for inattention or forgetfulness, dietary choices, exercise, mindfulness, behavioural therapy, or parental training.


Book an appointment with Dr Saadia Arshad today via her Top Doctors profile if you are seeking more information about ADHD

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

Dr Saadia Arshad

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

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