Più di 6749 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

Understanding acne: A comprehensive guide to clear and healthy skin

Acne is a widespread skin condition affecting millions globally and can have a highly negative impact on people’s self-esteem. Whether through in-clinic treatments or skincare products, comprehending the root causes of acne is essential for optimal results. Expert in aesthetic medicine Dr Tracy Xu gives us an insight into the effective management and treatment of acne.

Facial aesthetics: Rejuvenate and transform the appearance of your skin

Our skin changes as we age, leading to the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and loss of volume and elasticity. To address these skin changes on the face, some people may choose to try facial aesthetics, a range of non-surgical procedures that reduce the signs of ageing. Here, Dr Dr Okeoghene Oteri, leading medical aesthetics injector, provides an expert insight into facial aesthetics.

Profhilo: the wonders of hyaluronic acid

The key to plump and hydrated skin, hyaluronic acid is a sugar molecule produced naturally in the body that helps to retain moisture. As we grow older, however, ageing and environmental irritants cause hyaluronic acid levels to drop, leading to a loss of elasticity and firmness in the skin. To combat this, some people may choose to use Profhilo. Dr Anne Gromley, leading facial aesthetics clinician, explains more.

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