Più di 6851 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

Do I want a breast augmentation or a breast uplift? A specialist surgeon explains the differences

Breast augmentation continues to be the most commonly requested cosmetic surgery procedure in the UK. Breast uplift is another popular option especially after childbirth, so which one is best for me? Here to explain the main differences between a breast augmentation and a breast uplift, is esteemed plastic reconstructive aesthetic consultant surgeon, Ms Anna De Leo.

Perfect brows every day: Eyebrow augmentation and restoration

Although eyebrow pencils and other make up products can offer a short term solution to thin or missing eyebrows, eyebrow augmentation and restoration procedures provide permanent and natural results. Highly respected hair restoration surgeon Dr Greg Williams gives an expert guide to eyebrow restoration and augmentation procedures in this illuminating article.

Ask an expert: What is venous lake of the lip?

A dark blue or purple spot on the lip, known as venous lake of the lip, is caused by smoking or exposure to sunlight in some cases. Seeing a specialist practitioner is important to rule out more serious conditions with a similar presentation. We invited renowned cosmetic and hair restoration surgeon Dr Nawal Kishore Jha to shed light on venous lake of the lip's causes and the available treatment options.

Is losing hair in your twenties normal? What can be done?

Twenty-somethings may disagree when people say being in your twenties is the best time of your life. It's a stressful time for many and the extra worry that hair loss can cause is the last you need. Respected aesthetic medicine and dermatology expert Dr Rachael Kay of the Farjo Hair Institute, speaks to Top Doctors about what you can do about hair loss in your twenties.

Facelift: What you should know before undergoing the procedure

Facelifts, also known as facial rejuvenation surgery, can correct some signs of ageing to give the patient a younger and fresher appearance. To discuss the risks and benefits of this type of procedure, we invited highly respected consultant plastic, reconstructive and cosmetic surgeon Mr Makarand Tare to offer expert insight on the procedure. He also clears up common misconceptions about facelifts.

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