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When should you go beyond anti-ageing products?

We have a wider choice of anti-ageing products than ever, promising to keep your skin young or even reverse the signs of ageing. But what can they realistically achieve, and when is it time to look at other options such as surgery? We asked highly experienced facial plastic surgeon Mr Nizar Hamadeh to explain what you should do in your 20s, 30s, and 40s.

FAQs: Botox injections

Botox™ injections – we have all heard of them and might even know someone who has had them. They have been hailed as the single greatest medical breakthrough for cosmetic medicine and provide an extremely effective treatment for smoothing age lines and facial contouring. So, for those who are considering having this treatment, Dr Nikola Milojevic, a top aesthetic doctor, answers some of the most commonly asked questions about Botox™ injections.

How Botox works

As we age, we start to develop fine lines and wrinkles across our whole body, but forehead lines are arguably the most noticeable and can be a tell-tale sign of our real age. However, Botox™ injections present a remedy for these signs of ageing, and they are a treatment that Dr Nikola Milojevic, a top aesthetic doctor, has performed over 20,000 times. Here he explains how Botox™ can be used as an anti-ageing treatment.

Hair loss: an expert’s guide

The prospect of losing hair is worrying to many people, especially since it is a common problem. Hair loss can affect both sexes and can begin at any time of life. There are a number of types of hair loss and a range of causes, but all can result in a significant impact on self-esteem. Luckily, there are treatment options – leading plastic surgeon and hair transplant specialist Dr Greg Williams explains.

The perfect pout with lip fillers

Aesthetically-pleasing lips that give a full, plump smile is very much on trend thanks to the likes of celebs such as Charlotte Crosby and Kylie Jenner as advocates. Even though makeup can create a specific look, the lip filler is a non-surgical procedure that creates natural-looking lips. Our aesthetic expert Dr Nikola Milojevic why and how lip augmentation is increasingly popular in his clinic.

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