Più di 6749 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

The role of new dental technology in accomplishing better results

In oral implantology, like in many scientific fields, research is regularly undertaken to enhance the quality of treatments. One area of this research is technology. 3 Step Smiles’ head implant surgeon Dr Felix Price, and implantology and periodontics expert Dr Blanca Crooke discuss the importance of ensuring their service keeps up with advances in dental science, in this informative article.

Smile confidently: A guide to cosmetic and restorative dentistry

In his latest online article, Dr Sheraz Aleem gives us his insights into cosmetic and restorative dentistry. He talks about the key differences between the two, how cosmetic dentistry procedures can improve the appearance and function of the teeth, the typical procedures involved in a smile makeover, if there are non-invasive options available for restoring damaged teeth and how long recovery can take for common cosmetic dental procedures.

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