Più di 6749 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

What causes men and women to be infertile?

We spoke to a leading expert in fertility to discover what the causes of infertility are and what methods can be used to treat it in both men and women. We spoke about testicular atrophy, hydrocele and STDs and the impact these conditions can have on your chances of having a baby. We also discussed the many factors that should be considered when trying to conceive.

Causes and treatment of recurrent miscarriage

If you're trying to conceive but have had three or more consecutive miscarriages, your situation can be defined as recurrent miscarriage. There are several potential causes but fortunately, there are several treatments to help try and reduce the risk of further miscarriages. Mr Stephen Quinn, leading consultant gynaecologist, provides you with a thorough explanation of causes and treatments.

Do I qualify to be an egg donor?

You may decide to donate your eggs because you have friends who are struggling to conceive or you just want to do something kind and make the dreams of parenthood become a reality for someone. The first thing you should find out though is whether or not you're a suitable candidate to donate. Dr Malini Uppal, a fertility specialist in Central London, offers this unique guide for those who are considering it.

Everything you need to know about freezing your eggs

Having children is a big decision and perhaps not one you are ready to make right now. However, circumstances might mean that you can’t wait, or perhaps you simply want to take precautions so that you will be able to have a child in the future. In this case, freezing your eggs could be an option. Fertility specialist Dr Malini Uppal explains.

What is reciprocal IVF?

Starting a family is not always easy. In vitro fertilisation (IVF) gives a lifeline of hope to couples who have so far been unable to have a child. For same-sex couples, the question is which partner will be the baby’s biological parent? Reciprocal IVF is one option that allows two female partners to share in the process of having a child. Fertility specialist, Dr Malini Uppal, explains more.

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