Più di 6926 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

Early pregnancy problems: first trimester

The early stage of pregnancy is a time of excitement for most couples. However, the first trimester may present problems and complications, which is why a lot of women choose to wait until their second trimester to announce their baby news. Fertility consultant Mr Parijat Bhattacharjee explains what problems may arise during the first few months of pregnancy, from heavy vomiting to miscarriage...

Do you know how many eggs you have? All you need to know about ovarian reserve and fertility

Female fertility does not last forever, and many women are fully aware of their biological clocks in terms of their fertility. With reproduction becoming more common in later years of adulthood for many women, assessing fertility can be helpful for women and couples. Mr David Ogutu, a top fertility specialist tells us everything we need to know about ovarian reserve and fertility.

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