Più di 6696 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

GORD in expert detail

Acid-related disorders are prevalent in western society and millions of consultations are held in UK every year. For example, in 1998 (now over 20 years ago) there were 14.8 million appointments at GP surgeries for GORD and related conditions. While many people with mild cases of acid reflux and GORD can easily manage their symptoms, more severe situations could require further treatment which may include surgery. Leading consultant general and upper GI surgeon Professor Khurshid Akhtar speaks to Top Doctors about GORD in detail, alongside what's involved in the surgical procedure to fix GORD and frequently asked questions, in this informative article.

Vagus nerve dysfunction: what is it and what are the main symptoms?

Vagus nerve dysfunction occurs when the vagus nerve has been damaged due to a past infection or inflammation or when we experience a prolonged period of physical or mental stress. In our latest article, renowned gastroenterologist, Professor Owen Epstein, talks us through vagus nerve dysfunction, offering us a handful of useful home remedies for the condition.

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