Più di 6749 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

Liver cancer causes, symptoms, outlook and treatment

Primary liver cancer is estimated to be one of the most common causes of death from cancer globally. It is particularly dangerous due to its lack of early warning signs. Professor Shahid Khan is a leading London gastroenterologist and hepatologist, with a special clinical interest in the treatment of liver cancer - learn from him about the causes, symptoms, outlook and treatment of the condition.

Food intolerance vs food allergy difference

A food intolerance and food allergy can occasionally cause similar symptoms, so people often confuse the two. But, there are important differences. While eating something you are intolerant to can cause discomfort, eating food that you are allergic to can have life-threatening consequences. Dr Michael Mendall guides us through the main differences between food intolerance and a food allergy.

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