Più di 6696 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

Oesophageal cancer: Your questions answered

In the UK, more than 9,200 people are diagnosed with oesophageal cancer each year, which is a cancer that causes extreme difficulty when it comes to swallowing food and even liquids. Here, renowned consultant gastroenterologist Dr Sameer Zar provides an expert insight into oesophageal cancer, including what changes the cancer causes in the body, and how the cancer is diagnosed and treated.

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS): What are the signs?

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common, lifelong gastrointestinal disorder characterised by a group of symptoms that are sometimes linked to stress levels, certain foods, and structural problems in the intestines. Here, Dr Ahmed Albusoda, highly revered consultant gastroenterologist based in London, provides an expert insight into IBS, including symptoms and treatment.

Mostra risultati 40 di 283

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