511 Articoli medici su Oftalmologia Più di 6926 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

Redazione internazionale di Top Doctors

Redazione internazionale di Top Doctors

Keeping an eye on epiretinal membranes

Our eyes are delicate, complex organs with many components that work together to enable sight, but they are vulnerable to many conditions and do deteriorate as we age. Epiretinal membrane is one such condition that affects the vision. Though it is not dangerous, it is a nuisance.

Seeing eye to eye with cataract surgery

Cataracts are a condition that affects the eyes, where the lens, which sits behind the cornea and allows our eyes to focus, gradually gets cloudier as the proteins in the lens break down. The cataract can cause vision to become indistinct and blurry, shortsightedness, and difficulties with colour perception. In this article, experienced consultant ophthalmologist Mr Sumith Perera opens our eyes to the wonders of cataract surgery.

An expert insight into vitreoretinal surgery

Vitreoretinal surgery refers to surgical procedures that treat conditions affecting the retina and the vitreous, which is the gel-like substance inside the eye. In severe cases, these surgeries can be critical to prevent vision loss. Here, Mr Tafadzwa Young-Zvandasara, leading consultant ophthalmic surgeon, provides an expert insight into vitreoretinal surgery, addressing common patient questions.

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