24 Articoli medici su Traumatologia infantile Più di 7996 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

Toe walking in children: A parent’s guide

Toe walking is a common concern among parents. While many children outgrow it naturally, persistent toe walking should be evaluated by a specialist to rule out potential complications. Mr Alpesh Kothari, distinguished consultant paediatric orthopaedic surgeon, explores what toe walking is, when to consult a specialist, and how it can be treated and managed.

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Traumatologia infantile

How to keep your child’s knees healthy: Tips for parents of young athletes

Knee health is paramount for young athletes, who are particularly susceptible to injuries due to their sports activities and growing bones. Understanding common knee injuries, recognising when to seek medical attention, and exploring treatment options can thus help patients support their children in enjoying sports while minimising the risk of injuries. This article provides an expert guide.

ACL tears in children: A comprehensive guide for parents

Due to differences in bone development compared to adults, ACL tears in children require specialised care and consideration in both diagnosis and treatment to ensure optimal recovery and the health of the knee joint. Here, Mr Shobhit Verma, renowned consultant paediatric orthopaedic surgeon, provides an expert guide to paediatric ACL tears, offering insights into their causes, symptoms, and current treatment options.

Increased femoral anteversion: Causes, effects, and treatment

Increased femoral anteversion, also referred to as excessive femoral torsion, is a condition characterised by the forward twisting of the thigh bone (femur) in relation to the hip joint. While commonly observed in young children, this developmental variation can impact the alignment of the hip, knee, and foot, resulting in functional and biomechanical changes. In his latest online article, Mr Shobhit Verma explores the causes, effects on gait and alignment, diagnosis, and management strategies for increased femoral anteversion.

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