88 Articoli medici su Pediatria Più di 6926 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

Autism assessments for children aged 3-15: A comprehensive guide

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental condition that impacts communication, behaviour, and social interactions. Early diagnosis and intervention are crucial for improving the quality of life for children with autism. Here, Dr Kanika Grover, renowned consultant paediatrician with special interest in developmental paediatrics, offers an expert insight into autism assessments for children aged 3-15, addressing key concerns and guiding parents through the process.

All about autism and Asperger's syndrome in girls

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and Asperger's syndrome are neurodevelopmental conditions that affect how individuals interact and communicate with others. While these conditions are often associated with boys, it's essential to recognise they can also affect girls. Leading neurodevelopmental paediatric consultant Dr Nikki Baatjes provides insights into autism and Asperger's syndrome in girls to help parents and caregivers better understand and support their children.

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