Più di 6749 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

Decoding mastectomy: Understanding choices, recovery, and reconstruction

The decision to undergo a mastectomy, the surgical removal of one or both breasts, is a complex and deeply personal choice often influenced by various medical, personal, and genetic factors. In her latest online article, Ms Gael MacLean explores the circumstances under which a mastectomy is advised, delving into the reasons behind this recommendation, the effectiveness of the procedure in eliminating cancer, and the factors that may lead to choosing a mastectomy over other surgical options.

Understanding preventive mastectomy: Risks, benefits, and recovery

In the realm of proactive health decisions, preventive mastectomy has emerged as a powerful tool for individuals at high risk of breast cancer. In her latest online article, Professor Amtul Razzaq Carmichael delves into the various aspects of preventive mastectomy, exploring what is risk reducing mastectomy, who is likely to benefit from this operation, surgical and reconstruction options, recovery process and its, risks and benefits. Bilateral risk reducing mastectomy is an empowering choice for women, but we must not underestimate its emotional and psychological impact.

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