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Finding a breast lump: What it means and how to get it checked

Breast lumps are common and can occur for a variety of reasons. However, their discovery can be a worrying experience, and it’s natural to have questions and concerns. Here, Mr Harun Thomas, renowned consultant oncoplastic breast surgeon, explains what breast lumps are, how they are checked, and the treatment options available, providing clear information to help guide you through the next steps if you discover a lump in your breast.

What you need to know about gallstone removal

Gallstones are hard, stone-like structures that are the size of a grain of sand or as wide as a large coin that form in the gallbladder, which is an organ in the abdomen that is used to store and release bile that breaks down fats in the digestive system. The stones don’t always need treatment, but when necessary, then surgery is conducted to remove the entire gallbladder. In this article, a leading consultant laparoscopic surgeon explains how gallstones are treated.

Hernia: the symptoms and treatment

A hernia is when an internal body component, often a part of an organ, starts to extrude through a weakness or fault in the muscle or tissue wall. They are most common in the torso, particularly the abdomen and groin areas. Some hernias can be left alone, but some will need to medical intervention for the comfort and health of the patient. In this article, a consultant laparoscopic general surgeon explains what is a hernia and how it can be treated.

Liver cancer awareness

Liver cancer is a type of cancer that requires a thorough diagnostic and treatment strategy. Early diagnosis is key to increasing the chances of successful treatment, and surgical options can often provide curative outcomes, especially when used alongside other cancer therapies. Here, Mr Robert Sutcliffe, highly specialised consultant hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgeon, provides an expert insight into the nature of liver cancer, its symptoms, and the various treatment pathways available, including surgical interventions.

Laparoscopy for liver and pancreatic surgery

The part of the body where the liver and pancreas, bile ducts, and gallbladder are located is referred to as hepato-pancreato-biliary (HBP). In this area, the anatomy is quite intricate, with the organs delicately intertwined behind the bottom of the ribcage – thus, a laparoscopic surgical procedure is an ideal way to examine and address issues there, as it is a minimally invasive procedure.

Laparoscopic hernia surgery: what to expect

A hernia is a great source of discomfort and potential complications. Laparoscopic hernia repair is a minimally invasive surgical technique used to fix hernias, offering many benefits over traditional open surgery. We speak to a revered consultant surgeon who discusses when laparoscopic surgery might be needed, how it's performed, and what you can expect from the procedure and recovery process.

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