Più di 6696 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

Advancements in diagnosing and treating prostate cancer

Mr Mathias Winkler is an expert in prostate cancer screening. In this article we found out if a 'prostagram', will ever become available for those who are faced with the risk of this disease. Ideally, it would be similar to how a mammogram works for females who screen for breast cancer. Find out how far away we are from having a more accurate and effective test, and discover more on what the latest innovations are for this diagnostic test.

Treating an overactive bladder with intravesical Botox

Do you know how an overactive bladder (OAB) should be treated? We spoke with Miss Nadia Rahman, a renowned urogynaecologist, to discuss overactive bladder and how it can be treated. Find out how common OAB is, how you can tell if you have an overactive bladder, and what the treatment options are. We discuss in detail the pros and cons of intravesical Botox injections for treating this condition.

Robot-assisted surgery in urology

In this article, we discuss the history of urological surgery and what its developments have been in the past 30 years. We spoke with the London based consultant urological surgeon, Mr Aniruddha Chakravarti, to find out how robotics have revolutionised urological care. We also discussed what the benefits of robot-assisted surgery are in comparison to older techniques. Find out to what extent robotics will be used in future, whether robots will ever replace surgeons and how artificial intelligence may be used for patient care.

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