Chest infections: frequently asked questions

Autore: Dr Anne Mier
Pubblicato: | Aggiornato: 06/09/2023
Editor: Bronwen Griffiths

A chest infection is an infection of the lungs or airways and can range from mild to more severe. Some chest infections will clear up on their own, with rest and time, whilst others can require immediate medical attention. Find out from an expert respiratory specialist, Dr Anne Mier, the answers to the most commonly asked questions about chest infections.

How do I know if I have a chest infection?

You know that you have a chest infection when you feel unwell, have a cough and often anterior chest pain when coughing along the line of the airways. You may also have a fever, muscle aches and may have a sore throat or sinusitis, among other symptoms.


When should I seek medical advice for a chest infection?

You should seek medical advice for a chest infection if you feel unwell and are not improving with home remedies, paracetamol and rest. You should seek medical attention if you have a high fever, are coughing up thick or discoloured sputum, or blood, if you are short of breath, have chest pain and particularly if you are getting confused.


Can a chest infection be dangerous?

A chest infection can be dangerous if it becomes a pneumonia where the infection has affected the lungs. Chest infections can be dangerous if they cause a high fever and confusion. Serious complications can also occur, among others, pulmonary emboli - clots in the lungs.


What are the best ways to get over a chest infection?

If it is a mild infection, the best way to get over it is to drink warm fluids, such as honey and lemon, eat well with lots of fruit and vegetables, keep warm and rest if possible. If the infection is other than mild, or has progressed then it is best to seek medical advice as antibiotics, although generally best avoided if possible, may be needed, together with other medical assistance.


What does it mean if I get repeated chest infections?

Having recurrent chest infections can be a sign of, among other things, an underlying lung condition, a vitamin deficiency or an immune deficiency. It is helpful to see a respiratory physician to exclude any such conditions and to see if anything can be done to prevent recurrent infections.


If you would like to find out more, make an appointment with a specialist.

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Dr Anne Mier
Pneumologia e Malattie Respiratorie

La dott.ssa Anne Mier è una delle massime esperte in medicina respiratoria e generale a Londra. Dopo essersi laureata in medicina all'Ospedale del Middlesex, ha frequentato corsi di formazione in cardiologia e reumatologia, poi medicina generale e neurologia presso l'ospedale di Chelsea e Westminster e successivamente medicina generale e endocrinologia presso il Royal Free Hospital.

Dopo aver lavorato in una vasta gamma di campi in medicina, è diventata cancelliere presso il Royal Brompton Hospital e ha svolto attività di ricerca sulla fisiologia dei muscoli respiratori, completando la sua tesi di dottorato prima di diventare docente e assistente di stato maggiore presso il Charing Cross Hospital.

Specializzati in tutti i tipi di problemi respiratori come infezioni del torace, tosse e dispnea, altri interessi includono disturbi del sonno e stanchezza. Ora esperta di primo piano in medicina generale e respiratoria, ha pubblicato numerosi articoli su peer-review e si impegna sempre a fornire ai suoi pazienti le cure migliori, più appropriate e più gentili possibili su misura per ogni caso clinico.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

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Valutazione generale del paziente

  • Altri trattamenti d'interesse
  • Depressione
    Disturbi del sonno
    Roncopatia e apnea
    Apnea ostruttiva del sonno
    Sindrome delle gambe inquiete
    Malattie autoimmuni
    Pneumopatie atipiche
    Test di metacolina
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