Articoli del centro: Chelsfield Park Hospital - part of Circle Health Group Più di 6749 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

Understanding perianal sepsis: Causes, symptoms, and treatment

In the realm of medical terminology, perianal sepsis and anal sepsis are often interchangeable terms, both referring to an infectious condition located in the vicinity of the anus. This condition, while relatively common, can lead to significant discomfort and complications if left untreated. In his latest online article, Mr Petr J Hanek delves deeper into what perianal sepsis entails, including its causes, symptoms, diagnosis, potential complications, and treatment options.

Testicular pain: What to know

Experiencing discomfort or pain in the testicles can be indicative of various potential problems that require urgent medical intervention. In this informative article, we hear from consultant urological surgeon Mr Nkwam Micheal Nkwam who shares his expert insight on the appropriate actions to take when testicular pain occurs and the importance of seeking medical advice quickly.

Expert insights on HoLEP: Effective prostate treatment for lasting results

HoLEP is a cutting-edge, minimally invasive surgical technique for treating an enlarged prostate and resolving troublesome urinary symptoms. Esteemed consultant urological surgeon Mr Nkwam Michael Nkwam explains its advanced laser technology, advantages for larger prostates, safety, recovery, and long-term success rates in this informative article.

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