Articoli del centro: Leaders in Oncology Care (LOC) - part of HCA Healthcare Più di 6851 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

An expert insight into targeted therapies for lung cancer

Targeted therapies, which are drugs designed to find and attack certain cancer cells, may be recommended instead or in combination with other cancer treatments for some types of lung cancer. Here, renowned consultant medical oncologist Dr Dionysis Papadatos-Pastos, provides an expert insight into how targeted therapies are used for lung cancer.

Myeloma: The right treatment for you

The symptoms of myeloma, the terminal bone marrow condition, can be relieved. There are aspects involved in the process that need to be carefully considered before starting treatment. The type of myeloma you have, your age and fitness levels are just some of the key factors that need to be assessed by a patient's healthcare team. Esteemed consultant haematologist, Dr Jaimal Kothari, has put together a comprehensive, reassuring guide to myeloma treatment that illustrates how patient quality of life always comes first.

TIL therapy promising new cancer treatment explained

TIL therapy is an exciting new experimental cancer treatment that could help extend the lives of many cancer patients who fail to respond to standard treatments. But what is TIL therapy, how does it work and which cancers can it treat? Professor Hendrik-Tobias Arkenau, a top medical oncologist and drug developer in London explains.

FAQs about immunotherapy

Before undergoing immunotherapy, it's important to consider some of the following factors mentioned in this article. Professor Hendrik-Tobias (Tobi) Arkenau is a highly established medical oncologist, we recently spoke with him about the types of immunotherapy, the side effects and the success rate. In this article, he answers some of your frequently asked questions related to this treatment.

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