Articoli del centro: Three Shires Hospital - part of Circle Health Group Più di 6749 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

Endometriosis and its treatment

Endometriosis is a chronic condition in which tissue similar to the lining inside the uterus, called the endometrium, starts to grow outside the uterus. This can cause pain, inflammation and the formation of scar tissue. Leading laparoscopic surgeon and a consultant gynaecologist Mr Chellappah Gnanachandran (Mr Gnana) provides a detailed insight into this condition and its different treatment methods.  

An expert guide to tear duct surgery

Patients who have watery or sticky eyes may opt for surgery. Watery eyes may not seem like a big deal but in fact it’s a very big problem for patients, particularly if they’re trying to read because the water wells up in their eyes. When they try to look at something it’s as if they’re looking through a swimming pool. There are lots of different causes and treatments for watery eye, which require a thorough investigation and a management plan. Treatment can range from the minimalist intervention of cleaning up the eyelids and treating underlying blepharitis and mid hygiene issues to quite significant major surgery that can take up to an hour to do. There is a broad suite of problems that are encompassed by watery eye. It can affect a broad range of age groups, from newborn babies to 95 year olds.

Hydrodistension injection for frozen shoulder

Frozen shoulder is when your shoulder is stiff and in pain for months, or even for years in some cases. Hydrodistension is a treatment that a radiologist can perform to alleviate it. Dr Alistair Jepson is a highly regarded orthopaedic surgeon, specialising in shoulders. He explains this procedure and everything you need to know about before, during, and after.

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