Computers taking care of your eyes

Autore: Professor Saurabh Jain
Editor: Cal Murphy

We live in a world of screens. Computers, tablets, phones and TV… Everywhere you look, digital devices dominate our lives. Of course, for many of us, a computer is an integral part of our jobs. Because of this, eye strain is ever more common. Expert ophthalmologist Mr Saurabh Jain is here with some top tips for taking care of your eyes while looking at a screen.

A woman is sat at her laptop chewing a pencil.

Eye strain: what you need to know


One of the top causes of eye strain is spending long periods staring at a computer or other device. Here are some other top facts:

  • Eye strain causes tiredness and makes it difficult to concentrate.
  • Eye strain in itself is not particularly serious, but can exacerbate any pre-existing eye conditions you might have, such as short-sightednes.
  • Two hours or more spent looking at a screen increase the risk of “digital” eye strain.


How do computers cause eye strain?

Working on computers is thought to cause more eye strain than reading. This is due to a number of factors, many of which are less to do with the computer than they are to do with the person using it:

  • Blinking less – most people do not blink enough when using a computer, making their eyes dry out and become sore.
  • Infrequent breaks – many users read continuously for longer periods of time than their eyes can handle.
  • Poor posture – aside from musculoskeletal problems, posture also affects the angle from which you are looking at the screen and the viewing distance.
  • Lighting – this includes the screen settings making text difficult to read, as well as the light of your surroundings. Poor lighting or contrast force your eyes to strain.
  • Air-conditioning – this also worsens dryness.
  • Stress and tiredness – make focussing more difficult.


What can you do to reduce computer eye strain?

While sitting in front of your computer screen, you can help to protect your eyes by doing the following:

  • Remember to blink – keep in mind that blinking produces tears that help keep your eyes from drying out.
  • Take regular breaks – the “20-20-20” rule is useful here. Every 20 minutes, look at something else 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds. This allows your eyes to refocus.
  • Adjust your monitor and chair – make sure the screen is an arm’s length away at or just below eye level.
  • Adjust screen settings – you can increase type size and play around with the levels of contrast brightness to find the ideal configuration to reduce eye strain.
  • Avoid glare – consider turning off overhead lights or using a blind to block sunlight from falling on your computer screen, as this can make it harder to read. A matte computer screen filter can also be useful.

Regular check-ups with an optician are important to make sure there is no underlying problem with your eyes. Eye tests will let you know if you need glasses or if you have the right prescription. If your vision has deteriorated since your last visit and you are using the wrong prescription, this will increase eye strain. Glasses may be recommended specifically for computer use in order to reduce eye strain.

You should get an eye test at least every two years; older people or those with certain medical conditions that can affect the eyes should have one even more often.


If you have noticed symptoms of eye stain or are otherwise worried about your eye health, visit Mr Jain’s Top Doctors profile to book an appointment.

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Professor Saurabh Jain

Saurabh Jain è un importante chirurgo oftalmico con un particolare interesse per l'oftalmologia pediatrica e lo strabismo . Dal suo studio privato al Portland Hospital, Mr Jain offre una gamma di trattamenti oftalmici e procedure per trattare i bambini con problemi visivi come lo strabismo , l' occhio pigro e l' occhio acquoso .

Jain si è inizialmente laureato in medicina nel 1997 presso l'Università di Delhi, prima di iniziare la sua carriera di oftalmologo al King's College Hospital di Londra. Ha continuato la sua formazione specialistica presso il Manchester Royal Eye Hospital e il Leicester Royal Infirmary, e ora lavora nel nord di Londra, fornendo servizi in un certo numero di cliniche del NHS. Questi includono gli ospedali di Whittington, Barnet General e Edgware, e la Royal Free London, dove agisce come direttore clinico dei servizi.

Il signor Jain è responsabile della formazione dei consulenti junior ed è il direttore del programma di formazione per la formazione di oftalmologia in tutto il nord di Londra. Ricopre anche il titolo di consulente onorario oftalmologo pediatrico presso l'University College di Londra. Ha pubblicato numerosi documenti sulle migliori pratiche in chirurgia oftalmica e procedure di follow-up.

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Valutazione generale del paziente

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