Coronavirus and IBS advice

Autore: Dr Lisa Das
Editor: Emma McLeod

As we enter week 6 of lockdown, ironically, April 2020 is IBS Awareness Month. For those with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), the COVID-19 crisis can put additional pressure on the management of the condition. Dr Lisa Das, a leading gastroenterologist and expert in treating IBS, explains how to navigate the virus’ impact on IBS management.

A woman is sitting on her bed with bunched up bed sheets. She is hunched over with her knees to her chest.

Could anxiety and stress around the coronavirus trigger symptoms in IBS patients?

All of us are under the stresses and anxieties of social distancing, lockdown and worries over finances, family members and the hopeful end of this pandemic. There is also disruption to our daily routines and diet, but perhaps more daily exercise as we utilize our hour outside the home.


The 2 main triggers most likely to make IBS symptoms worse are, not surprisingly, the foods we eat and having emotional stress. Thus, it’s not surprising that some may experience worse IBS symptoms of abdominal pain, bowel habits and bloating. Interestingly, many are seeing a reduction in their IBS symptoms, perhaps due to working at home, less commuting stress and a more relaxed schedule.


How can IBS patients stay safe during this period?

The usual advice regarding COVID-19 measures are vitally important for IBS sufferers:

1. Regular hand washing

2. Avoid touching the face

3. Regular disinfection of bathrooms and kitchens


We now know that COVID-19 symptoms include


Self-management is very much the cornerstone of living with IBS. Taking time for yourself, performing activities like mindfulness, getting regular exercise and ensuring a good intake of fruit, vegetables and water are even more valuable at this time. It is paramount that you seek medical advice for any gut symptoms which are not usual for your IBS, either with your GP or specialist.


What should patients do about their IBS appointments at the moment?

E-Consultations are widely available instead of face-to-face appointments. If you are at all concerned, it is worth having a discussion and dispelling those fears which otherwise may trigger worse symptoms. Any new gut symptoms which persist after 14 days warrant medical advice through the NHS and/or privately.


How can IBS patients ensure they have enough supplies?

Luckily, many IBS treatments such as antispasmodics, peppermint capsules and probiotics are readily available at chemists and online. It is worth having a month’s supply on hand to see us through this pandemic.


Dr Lisa Das has spent many years treating IBS along with many other gastrointestinal conditions. Click here to learn more and to get in touch.

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Dr Lisa Das

La dott.ssa Lisa Das è una prestigiosa gastroenterologa che opera a Londra . Dopo aver completato la sua formazione universitaria presso la rispettabile Guy's Hospital Medical School, si è trasferita oltreoceano a Boston, negli Stati Uniti, dove ha completato la sua residenza medica prima di intraprendere la sua formazione di sottospecialità in gastroenterologia presso la Columbia University, New York. La sua ricca esperienza comprende endoscopia diagnostica e terapeutica (gastroscopia e colonscopia), capsula endoscopica e gastroenterologia generale.

Altre specialità includono la sindrome dell'intestino irritabile (IBS), lo screening del cancro gastrointestinale (Cancro Accreditato), l'obesità, la malattia infiammatoria intestinale, reflusso gastroesofageo, sanguinamento gastrointestinale, dolore addominale, dispepsia e disfunzioni del fegato. Dedicata al suo campo, la sua meticolosa abilità le è valsa l'onore di essere la prima consulente di gastroenterologia della comunità del Regno Unito. Mira a fornire la massima cura, mettendo a proprio agio le menti dei pazienti e offrendo un approccio amichevole in ogni fase del processo.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

Vedi il profilo

Valutazione generale del paziente

  • Altri trattamenti d'interesse
  • Nutrizione
    Test intolleranze alimentari
    Disturbi alimentari
    Enteroscopia terapeutica
    Ph metria
    Riduzione dello stomaco
    Palloncino intragastrico
    Idroterapia del colon
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