Dental implants: what are my options?

Autore: Dr Mark Hughes
Editor: Cal Murphy

Dental implants are well-established in both complex restorative and cosmetic dentistry as a way to replace teeth that are missing or beyond repair. They are designed to look like natural teeth and work normally, restoring both aesthetics and biting function. With the correct care and maintenance, they can restore a patient’s smile long-term, with no further treatment. Dr Mark Hughes explains.

What can dental implants do for me?

Gaps in your teeth due to a lost or damaged tooth can cause the following problems:

  • Difficulty chewing
  • Inability to eat certain food – this could even lead to poor nutrition
  • Difficulty speaking
  • Increased risk of oral diseases
  • The remaining teeth moving out of position
  • Deterioration of the bone where the tooth used to be supported

Dental implants have the following benefits:

  • Provide a long-lasting tooth replacement.
  • Improve confidence and quality of life.
  • Avoid dental and other health problems caused by gaps in the teeth.
  • Restore the ability to bite and chew, so you can eat what you like!
  • No slipping or gum irritation, as may happen with traditional dentures.

For patients who do not have sufficient jawbone density to support a dental implant, a bone-grafting procedure may be necessary first.


How is the dental implant procedure performed?

First, a small titanium post is placed into the gum tissue to act like a natural tooth root. It provides an anchor for the implant, and with time, the implant fuses to the jawbone (osseointegration), where it can act as a stable base for a crown or bridge. This will create a natural-looking and fully functional result.


Implant dentures

If you have a number of adjacent teeth either missing or damaged, or if you do not have sufficient jawbone density for a full set of dental implants, one option is implant-supported dentures. Considered an upgrade from traditional dentures, these are fixed to dental implants in order to secure them in the mouth, enhancing comfort and restoring normal function.


What can implant-supported dentures do for me?

Traditional dentures are usually held in place with pastes and adhesives, but even with these measures, they are often prone to slipping along the gums. They can feel inconvenient, usually limiting the types of food you can eat, and making you feel self-conscious about how you speak or eat. With dental implants to stabilise them, the drawbacks of dentures are minimised or eliminated. Benefits include:

  • Dentures no longer slip along the gums
  • A more comfortable fit
  • Minimised risk of food getting between the gum and the denture
  • No messy pastes or adhesives
  • Increased self-confidence while eating or speaking


How is the implant-supported dentures procedure performed?

The procedure is generally very similar to implant procedure described above. Once the implants have fused with the jawbone, the dentist attaches abutments, which allow the dentures to easily snap in and out of place when you like.



Also known as “same-day teeth” or “teeth-in-a-day”, the revolutionary All-on-4® system can secure a full denture arch on just four implants, placed strategically around the mouth. Other systems require 6-10 implants to maintain a full arch, but All-on-4® uses specific angles to provide optimal support with only four. This means less invasive dentistry for the patient, as well as a faster treatment time.


Implant bridges

If you have several teeth in a row missing or badly damaged, an implant bridge could be the answer. A bridge consists of a number of connected porcelain crowns, which provide a natural appearance and are fully functional for chewing. They “bridge” the gap between the healthy teeth. Implant bridges are fixed to dental implants, securing them to the jawbone.

If you are interested in the dental treatments described in this article, visit Dr Hughes’s Top Doctors profile to book an appointment.

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Dr Mark Hughes
Odontoiatria e stomatologia

Il Dr Mark Hughes è uno dei dentisti cosmetici leader nel Regno Unito, con una significativa esperienza e abilità sia in ortodonzia che in odontoiatria estetica. È membro accreditato della British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, un riconoscimento estremamente prestigioso, essendo uno dei soli 16 dentisti nel Regno Unito. È membro a pieno titolo dell'American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. Il Dr Hughes ha fondato l' Harley Street Dental Studio nel 2004, e ha continuato a diventare co-fondatore del famoso Harley Street Dental Group appena quattro anni dopo. Le sue cliniche condividono la visione di offrire gli ultimi sviluppi in odontoiatria e le tecniche più avanzate, per offrire risultati di alta qualità in ortodonzia e odontoiatria estetica.

Dr Hughes appare spesso nei media per discutere le sue tecniche e le sue cliniche come consulente dentale, e ha lavorato con una serie di celebrità nel corso degli anni. Con il posizionamento di oltre 10.000 faccette dentali e il completamento con successo di oltre 1.000 trattamenti Invisalign , Dr Hughes ha guadagnato la sua reputazione di dentista di livello mondiale. È un importante opinion leader e ambasciatore del marchio per molte aziende dentistiche leader e ha anche un interesse per la formazione e l'istruzione, lavorando come mentore per altri dentisti e conferenze a livello internazionale e in tutto il Regno Unito.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

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