Articoli del medico: Mr Andrew Chambler Più di 6696 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

Navigated shoulder replacement: A breakthrough in arthritis treatment

Shoulder arthritis, a common ailment affecting millions worldwide, often leads to debilitating pain and restricted mobility. For individuals facing advanced stages of this condition, shoulder replacement surgery emerges as a beacon of hope. However, not all cases are straightforward, and sometimes, the complexity of anatomy due to arthritis poses challenges for surgeons. This is where navigated shoulder replacement comes into play, revolutionising the landscape of shoulder surgeries. In his latest online article, Mr Andrew Chambler gives us his insights.

Biologics for tendon repair: an overview

Biologics for tendon repair refer to biological substances, like growth factors, cytokines, collagen scaffolds or stem cells to enhance the healing process of damaged tendons. These substances are often derived from living organisms and can stimulate tissue regeneration, reduce inflammation, and promote better tendon healing. Biologics offer a promising alternative to traditional treatments by harnessing the body's natural healing mechanisms for more effective tendon repair or to augment mechanical techniques to strengthen the repair. Leading consultant orthopaedic surgeon Mr Andrew Chambler explains more about the procedure.

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