Articoli del medico: Dr Catherine Sykes Più di 7348 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

Dating apps and mental health: a good combination?

It can definitely be fun to download a dating app and swipe left or right on the hunt for a potential partner. But even though it's convenient and in some cases a confidence booster, for others it might leave them feeling disappointed or lacking in self-worth. We've asked one of our expert psychologists Dr Catherine Sykes about what she thinks about dating apps and whether they really can help us to find true love.

Dealing with exhaustion and burnout

If you are feeling overwhelmed by your workload or responsibilities, and constantly feel tired, you could be heading for a burnout, and it is important to be aware of the signs, before it reaches that point. Dr Catherine Sykes is an experienced London-based psychologist who is very familiar in seeing patients suffering from exhaustion and burnout. Here, she explains how we can differentiate between just feeling tired, exhaustion, and finally burnout.

Imposter syndrome: why do I feel like a fraud at work?

Have you ever felt like you’ve been promoted beyond your level, or given too much responsibility? Do you worry that you might be “found out” one day? Imposter syndrome can affect even the most high-achieving people – and there are even suggestions that it’s more likely when you experience success in your life. We spoke to coaching psychologist Dr Catherine Sykes, who frequently sees CEOs and partners at law firms with imposter syndrome.

How to cope with work-related stress

The world we live in can be a very stressful place. Sometimes, stress can get on top of us and have a big impact on our health and our state of mind. Work can be a particular cause of stress, with the pressures of deadlines, presentations, difficult bosses or colleagues, and living up to our own expectations. Respected psychologist Dr Catherine Sykes explains the effect stress can have and how best to deal with it.

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