Articoli del medico: Dr Daniela Rossi Più di 5815 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

Infidelity: causes, effects, and therapy

There are various reasons why a partner may engage in infidelity. We recently spoke with Dr Daniela Rossi, a highly regarded psychologist, to discuss the many different motives for 'cheating' on someone and what the negative impact can often be. We found out why therapy can help people come to terms with this form of betrayal. In this article, we discuss the services she offers which help manage relationships that face challenges cause by infidelity.

Demystifying psychosomatic disorders

Historically, misunderstandings surrounding psychosomatic disorders have meant that they may have been taken less seriously. However, leading expert psychologist Dr Daniela Rossi explores how scientific knowledge has painted a clearer picture for the medical profession about psychosomatic disorders. Read on to discover the causes, diagnosis and treatment involved.

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