Articoli del medico: Professor Debora Elijah Più di 6696 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

Back to school: supporting your child with 'coronavirus anxiety'

Heading back to school and starting a new year at school can be daunting at time, the COVID-19 pandemic has added stress to the situation. Thus, support may be needed. We spoke to Dr Debora Elijah who explained to us the usage of PROSCIG© intervention; a program similar to cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT). She highlighted how this can offer assistance during the coronavirus pandemic to put children at ease as they adjust to the 'new normal' at school.

How can conduct disorder children treated

Children with a conduct disorder often find it difficult to follow rules and display socially destructive and aggressive behaviour. This often hurts other people around them and themselves too. So, why do they act like this? Dr Debora Elijah, an expert cognitive neuropsychologist who practises at the Elijah Social Cognitive Skills Centre in North London, gives us a quick overview of this disorder and explains how she can help your child.

help children social skills

Young children communicate their thoughts and feelings in many ways, including facial expressions, body language, playing and using words. Dr Debora Elijah, a cognitive neuropsychologist in London, explains to us how we, as parents, can support social development in our children and gives us an overview of the programmes on offer at her private practice, The Elijah Centre.

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