Articoli del medico: Dr Dora Lozsadi Più di 7589 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

What is CBD oil?

Cannabis oil has been popular in the media recently, leaving us to wonder if the non-intoxicating plant extract can help with medical problems, such as anxiety and sleep problems, or not. We asked top neurosurgeon Dr Dora Lozsadi for her insight on whether CBD oil can help with conditions such as severe childhood anxiety and who can prescribe it...

How to have a healthy pregnancy and get the right treatment for your epilepsy

Epilepsy is often treated with anti-epileptic medications, including sodium valproate. Whilst this can be very effective in preventing seizures, it can cause complications related to pregnancy. Dr Dora Lozsadi, a top neurologist, explains why valproate is not appropriate for female epileptic patients to take during pregnancy and the alternatives that are available to them.

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