Articoli del medico: Dr Hiba Injibar Più di 7440 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

How to treat acne scars

When experiencing acne, it can feel like a struggle to feel good about ourselves. Even more so if we're faced with it during our teen years when we are developing our sense of self. It can have a lasting impact. Luckily, with the help of Dr Hiba Injibar, an expert dermatologist, the effects of acne on both our skin and mental health can be minimised. With her impressive repertoire in dermatology, Dr Injibar offers comprehensive care for treating the root cause of acne and also the more persistent symptoms that include scarring. Find out how acne scarring can be avoided, why it sometimes occurs, and what the treatment options are for smoother skin, in this latest Q&A with Dr Injibar who is based on Harley Street in London.

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