Articoli del medico: Dr Indrajith Karunaratne Più di 6696 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

Erectile dysfunction: Is the best cure medication or lifestyle changes?

We spoke with the highly experienced consultant in genitourinary medicine, Dr Indrajith Karunaratne, to discuss how erectile dysfunction (ED) should be managed. We found out the various causes of this condition, and how medication and lifestyle habits can make a difference. We also found out what other options (such as surgery) can be considered if this doesn't work.

What is the best treatment for HIV?

While we still don't have a widespread drug that can cure the disease, there are a wide variety of very effective treatments available for people with HIV, allowing them to live a long and healthy life with no risk of transmitting HIV to their partners. So, we spoke to Dr Indrajith Karunaratne, a leading consultant in genitourinary medicine to understand more about these treatments and what the outlook is like for people living with HIV.

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