Articoli del medico: Mr Ivo Dukic Più di 6696 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

All about the percutaneous nephrolithotomy procedure

For individuals diagnosed with large or complex kidney stones, navigating treatment options can be overwhelming. Percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL) is a minimally invasive approach offering greater stone clearance compared to alternative methods. Mr Ivo Dukic, leading consultant urological surgeon, explains the PCNL procedure including exciting advancements in miniaturisation of this key hole procedure in this in-depth article.

Blood in my urine (haematuria): Should I be worried?

If you've ever seen blood in your urine, you may be worried. Blood in urine, also called haematuria, can sometimes be a sign of a serious medical condition. In his latest online article, renowned consultant urological surgeon Mr Ivo Dukic explores what haematuria is, its possible causes, its seriousness, treatment options, and when you should seek medical attention.

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