Articoli del medico: Ms Kallirroi Tzafetta Più di 7440 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

Life after a nose job: rhinoplasty risks, results, and more

A nose job can enhance the symmetry of the face and improve one’s self-confidence. There’s a lot to consider, however, before undergoing rhinoplasty. Respected consultant aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgeon Ms Kallirroi Tzafetta, who practices in Chelmsford, Brentwood, and Sawbridgeworth, shares her expertise on the procedure. She looks at the different types of rhinoplasty procedures, how it’s performed, and what results to expect.

Considering a facelift? Here's all you should know

A facelift, for many, can be quite the life-changing operation, with the main objective of the procedure being to rejuvenate one's overall facial appearance, giving one a natural, younger look. Here to provide a more detailed insight into what exactly a facelift procedure entails, and to explain the difference between a mini facelift and a full facelift, is esteemed and skilled consultant aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgeon, Ms Kallirroi Tzafetta.

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